This is "The Digit Masters" answer to the 4-way numbers. A must for all 4-Digit players..This sheet is directed to all players who like 4-way and 5 and 6 digit lotto numbers. This is good for all areas. It will have a few "Hot" 3-way numbers for you as well. This tip sheet will come out fresh every single week, it has been around for a year or so and has a large following. Alot of you have written to tell me just how "hot" it is. I would suggest that you get a copy now!! This will also carry 4-way numbers for all 12 signs of the zodiac. Also 4-way doubles. I will mail this to you in plenty of time before that week starts.
If you want one copy the price is 2.00 per copy or 55.00 for a year or 35.00 for six months.
You can also buy any 2 of my weekly sheets for 75.00 a year
three sheets for 85.00 a year and all 4 sheets for 90.00 a year.